Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Freeze Dried vs Dehydrated Bananas

There are several products that Shelf Reliance sells more then one option. I often get questions about how they are different.  One of the things I get asked a lot is bananas. SR sells banana chips (which are dehydrated) and freeze dried sliced bananas.  Here is how they match up. Interested in ordering some? Send me an e-mail at
Freeze Dried vs. Dehydrated Bananas

Dehydrated Banana ChipsFreeze Dried Sliced Banana
IngredientsBananas, coconut oil, sugar, banana flavoring.
*Shelf Reliance Banana chips are fried (as are most all other banana chips) in coconut oil and then dehydrated.
Shelf  LifeSealed Shelf Life
7 years*
Opened Shelf Life
1 year*

*Shelf life based on optimal storage conditions.
Sealed Shelf Life   
25 years*
Opened Shelf Life
2 year*

*Shelf life based on optimal storage conditions.
TextureCrunchy, hardCrunches when you bite it but not hard, dissolves a little as you eat it.
Size1/8 inch thick1/4 inch thick
Tastefaintly bananaSweet banana
Re-hydrationDoes not rehydratesoften in hot water for 1 minuet drain and use as fresh
UseTrail Mix, Snack, in baking to boast banana flavor, Muffins, oatmeal, smoothies
My Family's Voteokay for snacking
2 stars our of 5
“when the world ends I want to be eating this”  "like a banana explosion in my mouth"
5 stars out of 5

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