Monday, January 5, 2015

This Weeks Goals

Recently I asked on Facebook if anyone would be interested in seeing my weekly goals.  A couple of you said it would be helpful so here they are.

Note I usually make pretty ambitious goals and work like crazy during my "work hours", I don't always get everything done but I'd rather have a lot to do then spend time trying to decide what to do next. 

Goals for the week of January 5th

Host Coaching/Party Scheduling:
  1. Contact all January hosts
  2. Make sure auto reminders (in Google Calendar) are set up for All January and February parties
  3. Close any November or December parties that aren’t closed.
  4. Plan my personal Meal in a Jar Party (move the date, the RS activity is that Wednesday)
  5. Call potential host (that haven’t booked yet) from Emergency Prep Expo.  
 Customer Service:
  1.  Customer Email—including recipe, and tip.
  2. Thank you notes for online orders.
  1.  Contact potential consultant list—email those I haven’t heard from in a while.
  2. Contact those from Emergency Prep expo
  3. Facebook Meal in a Jar group—at least 3 posts this week plus 1 question.
Party Prep
  1. Prep for Scott Sperry’s party (Tuesday night)
  2. Prep for Marilyn’s party (Saturday Lasagna Soup Meal in a Jar, decide on a dessert, last time we did fruit pizza on sugar cookies so choose something else.)
  3. Laminate numbers for party bags & cards for bags
Team Training:
  1. Team email—Goals/Life Vision.  Send link to Ruth’s goal setting workbook.
  2.  Facebook—Share 3 past posts helpful posts.
  3.  Upcoming—new party presentation—finalize slides/handouts and recipes.  Set up a time to video.
 Blogging Goals:
  1. Publish Zuppa Toscana Recipe (already Scheduled)
  2.  Add Meal in a Jar invites to Etsy store.

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