Thursday, February 20, 2014

The White Board Presentation--The Best Way to Explain the Thrive Life Q

Explaining the Q is essential to your success as a Thrive Life consultant.  When a customer signs up for the Q at a home party it is awesome for everyone. 
  • Awesome for the customer.
Let’s take a look at Jane, she signed up for a $100 Q at her friend Lisa’s party.  As a customer Jane now receives a customized food order each month.  She easily customizes it to meet the needs of her family; choosing the ship date, the order contents, and her budget.   When Jane later decides to host a party she gets to double dip off of her Q giving her a great start on her party.   
  •   Awesome for the host. 
The host gets to count 3 times the Q toward their party total.  The Q must process before you close the party.  For example if Jane signs up for a $100 Q at Lisa’s party and when Janes Q processes she spends $98.00 then Lisa gets to count that as one $294.00 order (remember $98.00 x 3 = $294.00).  Earning her $29.40 in free product. 
  •  Awesome for the consultant. 
This is where you build your residual income.  When a customer signs up for the Q you get paid commission for it the first time it processed AND every time it processes.    Take a look at the chart below to see the percentage commission you get paid each time. 

for 1 month
1st month
$0 - $399
5% →
$400 - $799
5% →
$800 - $1,199
5% →
$1,200 - $1,999
5% →
$2,000 - $2,999
5% →
$3,000 - $3,999
5% →
$4,000 +
5% →

You will receive 5% commission each month from those on the THRIVE Q.

How do you present the Q to customers?
The very best way I have tried, and trust me I’ve tried a bunch of different ways.  Is the White Board presentation. 

Here is a short video of Lisa Warnick showing exactly how to do a white board presentation on the Thrive Q. 


A couple of things you might be wondering about the presentation

When during my Thrive demo should I do the White Board presentation?

Do it while the food is cooking, before you pass out the samples.  You want the guests full attention and if you wait until they are eating then you will have lost some of them.   

What supplies do and I need and where do I get them? 

·         White Board—Costco, Staples, Amazon, Walmart.  Whichever white board you choose be sure that it is magnetic and that it no too huge.  Remember you will have to carry this around with you.

·         Magnets—you received some magnets in your starter kit.  You can use them or you can purchase the new magnets from Thrive Life.   The ID number is 15773. 
Note:  There have been some problems ordering magnets from the back office.  If you run into a problem just call customer service and they can take your order. 

·         White board markers—get a couple, it seems like they always die at an inopportune time and it is not something a host is likely to have, so you will want a backup.

You might be wondering:
In the video Lisa talks about waving the $79 signup fee and the annual fee?  Is that typical?

She is talking about it when they sign up at the $100.00 level and they are given free platinum status.  When that happens the $79 signup fee is waived (as is the renewal).  I think it would be a little clearer is you said “Tonight we are waiving the $79.00 signup fee for everyone that signs up at the $100.00 a month level”

The Q at the bronze Q club level is always FREE.  The Q club adds additional benefits and when they sign up at the $100.

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