Do would you like to build your family's food storage for free? Would an extra few hundred dollars a month make a difference in your family's budget? I became a Shelf Reliance consultant 2 years ago because I fell in love with the quality of the food and was determined to build an emergency supply of food for myself, husband and three children. With consistent and diligent effort on my part I have built a home based business that generates full time income with part-time hours. The best part is I can work it around my family's schedule.
Shelf Reliance seldom offers their consultants kits at a discount. But until Friday September 14th you can sign up to be a consultant and save 20% on which ever kit you choose. Since becoming a consultant 2 years ago, I have built a supply of food that gives me and my family peace of mind and security. I love the feeling protecting my family from whatever uncertainty may come in the future.
Signing up to be a consultant is an easy process. It is all done on line and it only take 15 minutes.
To join our team you will need to enter the
following information when signing up.
Enroller ID 1209
Enroller Name Heather Lorimer
Enroller Email:
I have thought about being a consultant, but am not one to encourage people to buy things. What would help me be successful if I chose to do so?
ReplyDeleteWhile I can't afford to buy containers to repackage all my #10 cans of food, I can certainly use this great idea to repackage purchased salt that comes in cardboard containers, chocolate chips, etc., that need to be repackaged for safe long term storage. Thanks for the idea and the photo!
ReplyDeleteHow awesome would it be to have all your cans in one spot easily to get to and see what you have. The problem is finding a spot in the house for it. Guess we need a new house for all this food storage. :)